Legal AlertThe National Artificial Intelligence Strategy, co-developed with the Presidency of the Digital Transformation Office and the Ministry of Industry and Technology Has Been Published!

26 August 2021

“National Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2021-2025″, which drafted in cooperation with the Digital Transformation Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey and the Ministry of Industry and Technology announced on 24.08.2021.

With the publication of the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (“NAIS”), which is the first national strategy document of our country on artificial intelligence (“AI”), Turkey has taken its place among the countries that have an AI strategy.

NAIS was drafted as per the Eleventh Development Plan and Presidential Annual Programs, in line with the “Digital Turkey” vision and the “National Technology Initiative”.

In this regard, the vision of NAIS has been determined as “creating value on a global scale with an agile and sustainable AI ecosystem for a prosperous Turkey”.

The Strategy was designed around 6 strategic priorities. These priorities are as follows:

  • Training AI experts and increasing employment in the domain
  • Supporting research, entrepreneurship, and innovation
  • Facilitating access to quality data and technical infrastructure
  • Regulating to accelerate socioeconomic adaptation
  • Strengthening international cooperation
  • Accelerating structural and labor transformation

Within the scope of these strategic priorities, 24 objectives and 119 measures were determined.

The high-level targets to be achieved in 2025, the end of the implementation period of the NAIS, are as follows:

  • The share of Al in its GDP will be increased to 5%.
  • Employment in the field of artificial intelligence is to be increased to 50,000.
  • Employment in the field of artificial intelligence in central and local public institutions, and organizations shall be increased to 1,000 persons.
  • The number of graduates in the field of AI will be increased to 10,000.
  • Al application developed by the local ecosystem will be prioritized in public procurement and commercialization will be supported.
  • Active contribution will be made to the regulatory studies and standardization processes of international organizations in the field of reliable and responsible AI and cross-border data exchange.
  • It will be ensured that Turkey is among the top 20 countries in the rankings of international artificial intelligence indices

The Artificial Intelligence principles adopted within the scope of these goals are as follows:

  • Proportionality
  • Safety and Security 
  • Fairness
  • Privacy
  • Transparency and Explainability
  • Responsibility and Accountability
  • Data Sovereignty
  • Multi- Stakeholder Governance

In summary, the roadmap for work on the field of artificial intelligence until 2025 has been determined by the Strategy Document.

Implementation process of the Strategy that will be coordinated by the “Steering Committee”, will be chaired by the Vice President. The governance mechanism embraces AI Ecosystem Advisory Group and working groups as well, where all relevant stakeholders will be represented. 

You may reach the full English version of the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy via the link below: